Disabled vessel in Qld towed to safety

17 Jan 2015 5:00 PM | Deleted user

A general cargo vessel experiencing mechanical issues near the Great Barrier Reef has been towed to safety to Gladstone after a co-ordinated response from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

Antigua and Barbuda flagged general cargo vessel, Thor Commander, reported on Sunday (11 January) it had damaged its main engine.

The vessel was drifting approximately 31km north-east of Perkins Reef in the Swains Reefs group, about 379km north-east of Gladstone.On Tuesday morning, a towline was established between the disabled vessel and the tug Smit Leopard from Gladstone.

AMSA directed the owners and Master of Thor Commander under the Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act 1981 to accept a tow to prevent it drifting further.

Additionally, a direction was issued on Monday to the Master of the Xinfa Hai to engage in a towage operation and hold Thor Commander until the arrival of the tug.

AMSA used these powers to prevent potential maritime casualties and harm to the marine environment.

Queensland police vessel Lyle M Hoey also diverted and assisted in establishing the towline between the two merchant ships.

The Thor Commander arrived safely in Gladstone at 7.00am on Thursday. 


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